Three words that describe you:
Thankful, Honest, Humble
What are the top challenges that you faced when reentering?
Finding stable employment that was decent paying and accessing affordable housing.
What resources have you found most helpful for reentering?
My family and God have been my number one resources; without them I don’t know where I would be today.
Did you have a mentor or a role model?
My grandmother has been my role model during the good and bad times.
What drives your passion and makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning?
God’s blessing of waking up to see another day and the love of my family drives me to press forward every day.
Why do you participate in the Reentry Advocacy Project?
The main reason I participate is because I can be an inspiration to others. Not only that, but I’m able to connect and communicate with people who have been down the same road I’ve traveled on. It’s a group where you are not judged or looked down on. It is somewhere that you always feel welcome and at peace among like-minded people. With my knowledge of the legal field as a Paralegal, I know I can bring my fair share to the group. This is also a moment where I can be a voice and a leader in my community. I was once part of the problem but now I can be part of the solution to make a change.
What words of wisdom do you have for others leaving incarceration?
Stay humble and find a support group that is willing to mentor and guide you in the right direction. Next, be willing to take any job starting off and build up some good work experience. Finally, go to school, learn a trade, and get educated. Stay away from all the negative vibes and never give up.
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
A few of the accomplishments I’m proud of are being trouble free from the legal system for 10 years now, I’m most proud of my Paralegal degree that I received in 2014, and having the opportunity to have been a part of the Texas Civil Rights Project.
What do you identify as having made a difference for you in your success?
One of the things I would have to say is having patience and surrounding myself with good people. Staying motivated during the hard times and being willing to want to change for the best. Most of all my family played a big role in my success. Staying positive is the number one thing over all, other than that having self-confidence. Last, I would have to say for me it was being passionate about what I wanted out of life and giving it my blood, sweat, and tears.