Advocacy Corner: Interview with Seven Lee

This is a piece written by Amanda Cassidy, Reentry Advocacy Fellow

I had the opportunity to connect with a Relationship Life Coach named Seven Lee. Seven is originally from Louisiana and now works and lives right here in Austin. Having grown up in a large family, and spending years as a young child immersed in a community of alcoholics and drug addicts through exposure to intimate AA and NA meetings, she has found meaning and purpose in life – which is helping others to overcome their personal challenges to live a life of purpose and love, without shame, blame, or guilt.

She is a Certified Life Coach who focuses on helping people create healthy relationships. Seven was previously married to a gentleman who spent most of his adult life in and out of the TDCJ systems. Throughout this relationship she connected with other couples and saw through that experience that there were unhealthy boundaries that created unhealthy relationships. She was introduced to Prison Yoga and in her journey to become a volunteer within TDCJ she became a Life Coach choosing to use her life’s experiences to help those returning to their communities find happy and healthy relationships. 

She believes that people are inherently good, but knowing most people were not raised with healthy relationship role models and many folks are lost; having had traumatic pasts, experienced the consequences of drug or alcohol abuse, have gone on paths dictated to us by authority figures, socioeconomics, or religion – they don’t know where to begin. Her  goal is to help people find authenticity and self-love while navigating relationships.

We have invited Seven to present at our next RAP Meeting Wednesday Feb 2nd at 6:00pm. She will be going over topics such as: Modern Dating and Relationships, Stigma (combating the fear of the stigma), Communication (learning nonviolent communication), Emotional Vulnerability (Learning how to feel your feelings and sharing yourself), Social/Community Support (Finding friends and chosen family), Spotting Red Flags (things to notice about potential partners). We hope to see you there!

Photo of Seven Lee

Photo of Seven Lee

Certified Professional Life Coach, ATX Poly Coaching

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The Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable is collaborative promoting safe and healthy communities through effective reentry and reintegration of formerly incarcerated persons and individuals with criminal histories in Austin/Travis County, Texas.