Highlights from the 86th Legislative Session

The 2019 Legislative session has wrapped up with Governor Abbott signing in to law 1,229 of the 1,429 bills that were sent to him. Of these, several are directly related to and impact those with lived experience in the criminal justice system.

A few highlights include:

  • HB 3227 – Expands the use of reentry peer support and increases access to programs for currently incarcerated women
  • HB 1342 – Eliminates certain grounds for disqualification for an occupational license and enhances opportunities for persons to obtain employment upon reentering the community
  • HB 374 – Requires a community supervision and corrections department to adopt a policy that takes in to consideration the work, treatment, or community service schedule when scheduling any required meetings or visits

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The Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable is collaborative promoting safe and healthy communities through effective reentry and reintegration of formerly incarcerated persons and individuals with criminal histories in Austin/Travis County, Texas.