Policy Reform

The Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable is committed to educating policy makers and citizens in our community about policies and practices that can improve public safety by promoting successful reentry and reducing recidivism. We provide information and resources on reentry so that well-informed decisions can be made and the public can advocate for better reentry policies.

Policy Reform Committee Priorities

Sunset Review

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the Board of Pardons and Parole, the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee, and the Windham School District are scheduled for sunset review during the 83rd Legislature. This process presents an opportunity for the community to provide input on the operation of these state agencies. The A/TCRRT will monitor the sunset review process and promote the sharing of information with individual members of the A/TCRRT and our allies in reform.

Legislative Advocacy

Every two years, the A/TCRRT advocates for effective reentry legislation and budget proposals at the Capitol. Preparation for one legislative cycle begins as soon as the previous session has ended. We reflect on the lessons we have learned during the course of each legislature, and we seek out the latest research and data that will promote well-informed decision-making regarding reentry issues.

***Legislative Session Update: Texas is a little over halfway through the current state legislative session (January 8 – May 27), and the deadline to file bills was March 8th.  More than 160 smart-on-crime bills were filed and will be considered by our legislators in the coming weeks.  The Confinement & Reentry bills filed can be reviewed here.

Setting Priorities

The issues chosen by the A/TCRRT for its policy reform agenda represent best practice interventions and the collective knowledge of community members who have witnessed or experienced difficulties during reentry. Every two years, the A/TCRRT hosts a forum and collects surveys to gather input on how to make reentry more successful. The Policy Reform Committee analyzes this information and uses it to develop its agenda.


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The Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable is collaborative promoting safe and healthy communities through effective reentry and reintegration of formerly incarcerated persons and individuals with criminal histories in Austin/Travis County, Texas.