Name: Charles Walker
Three words that describe you: Considerate, Compassionate, and Determined.
What are the top challenges that you faced when reentering? Housing.
Resources I found most helpful: Family, Church, and the City of Austin.
Did you have a mentor or a role model? My two younger brothers.
What drives your passion and makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning? My faith in God, love of family, and having a job.
Why do you participate in the Reentry Advocacy Project? I participate in the Reentry Advocacy Project because I truly believe I can help others have a successful reentry. I know all of the resources available here in Central Texas that can help us to be successful, and I am a Professional Case Manager and Counselor.
What words of wisdom do you have for others leaving incarceration? Patience, Persistence, and Determination.
What accomplishments are you most proud of? The accomplishments I am most proud of include getting a Criminal Justice Bachelors Degree, being a licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Intern (the only State License a once incarcerated person can receive), and having professional jobs for the City of Austin, the State of Texas and the private sector.